Clubs at NCHS connect students with similar interests outside of the classroom.
Book Club
Sponsor This club meets every other Wednesday from 3:30 to 4:15. We have partnered with the Natrona County Public Library, and they provide us with free books! Typically, we read four books a year--everything from fantasy to historic fiction. Like any self-respecting book club, we enjoy treats and good discussions about literature and life. Everyone is welcome! |
Sponsor Dustin Arrellano Dungeons and Dragons is a role play game first published in 1974. It can also be referred to as a live action role play game. Many people do not understand the game, but the people that do say that it is a game of pure imagination. There are different kinds of characters which can entail human, dwarf, elf, halftling, half-elf, half-orc, and gnome. Class determines how the character will be affected. Your character will also have a moral alignment, this will determine how they act in certain situations. Lastly, players have to understand the dice. It’s a normal d20 dice, but you also have to rely on the numbers of other players. The sponsor for D&D club is Dustin Arellano each Thursday night after school. Dungeons and Dragons is a club that does not compete in anything except against each other in the game. The club is purely an outlet for students to express their imaginations. |
e-Sports Club
Sponsor Kristy Williams OUR MISSION DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. GUIDING PRINCIPLES Our guiding principles explain how we fulfill our mission by addressing what we do and the outcomes we expect. DECA enhances the preparation for college and careers by providing co-curricular programs that integrate into classroom instruction, applying learning in the context of business, connecting to business and the community and promoting competition. Our student members leverage their DECA experience to become academically prepared, community oriented, professionally responsible, experienced leaders. Natrona High School DECA has been active since 2000. Some of the activities that DECA members are involved in include fundraising, community service, recruiting and business partnerships and sponsorships. Ways in which Natrona DECA is involved in the community include working with Make a Wish Foundation, Self Help Center, School supplies for Iraq school children, food drives and children's gloves/mittens for the Salvation Army as well as adopting a boy & a girl each year off the Mall Christmas Tree. |
Future Farmers of America Sponsor Timi Reynolds Casper Ag Ed/FFA Assistant Burt Andreen What is FFA? FFA is a dynamic youth organization that is a part of agricultural education programs at middle and high schools. Today, student members are engaged in a wide range of curriculum and FFA activities, leading to over 300 career opportunities in agriculture. FFA and Agricultural Education FFA members are part of a total agricultural education program that connects students to exciting careers in the science, business and technology of agriculture. FFA is only one of the three essential components of the program, all of which work together to provide members with leadership, academic and career experiences essential for success. Visit our website at: Facebook Page: Casper FFA Chapter |
Sponsors Jeff Crouse Abbey Krusen Members are active in the community with service, leadership, scholarship and character. Who are we? The Orange and Black Chapter of National Honor Society (“NHS”). What do we do? Organize and help with events to improve our community and the rest of the world. When do we do this? We hold bi-weekly meetings during lunch to organize events throughout the school year. Where do we do this? Our bi-weekly meetings are held at Natrona County High School. The events happen all around the Casper community. A majority of the money raised is used to help people in our local community. Some funds are also used to help around the world through an international group called the “Heifer Foundation,” which provides self-sustaining resources to families in third world countries. How can you be a part of NHS? In order to be a part of NHS Students must be “nominated” during the course of their sophomore year by their teachers for showing character, scholarship, leadership and service. They are then notified and must go through a process in which they submit an application for membership. Each member of NHS must contribute 8 service hours per semester and adequate attendance at bi-weekly meetings in order to be a part of the NCHS NHS. |
Yearbook Club
Sponsor Carl Myers Yearbook Club does the heavy lifting to produce the Mustang Yearbook for our school. We design and lay out the book, then photograph, interview, and write about all the awesome Mustangs and Fillies that make up our school community, covering the most important events of the year and preserving special memories. We are a WHSAA sanctioned activity and compete for honors in journalism skills at the Wyoming Student Media Association Competition every year. Come check out our club and help tell the story of the year! Pictured left to right are: Associate Editors Keeley Vroman and Ava Garvin, Adviser Carl Myers, and Chief Editor Ramsay Myers. |
Sponsors Bridgit Gwilliam Margo Warren A variety of students, representing the school's clubs, activities and leadership, help advance the activities of Student Council. Student Council is an organization conducted by students and supervised by adults. The purpose of the student council is to give students an opportunity to develop leadership by organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects. In addition to planning events that contribute to school spirit and community welfare, the student council is the voice of the student body. They help share student ideas, interests and concerns with the school wide community. The function of the student council is based upon parlimentary procedures. Ideas are presented, voted upon and confirmed by the student body president. Any student that is interested in leadership, organizational behavior, event planning or becoming more involved in the school are welcome to become involved. |
The Diversity Club provides an environment for students, staff, and community members to promote multicultural awareness and support for those experiencing prejudice, hatred, and intolerance. The club aims to celebrate and protect one another’s humanity, and foster healthy dialogue on a range of issues facing our community.