Academics at NCHS
Natrona County High School takes pride in the excellence students give to their academics. Numerous NC students have earned IB Diplomas and Certificates and many a National Merit Scholar has graduated from this historic institution.
Zach Schneider - Drama Ryan Landman - Drama Steve Grussendorf - Vocal Music Shawn Weis - Band Zach Walker- Guitar, Orchestra Zane Romanek - Choir. Piano, Band Each year, hundreds of students belong to a fine and performing arts class in one way or another. For musically inclined students, class options include: guitar, orchestra, chamber orchestra, chorus, vocal ensemble, concert band, percussion, IB Music theory, or commercial music. Students perform in several concerts throughout the year and, of course, the Fighting Mustang Marching Band performs at every home game during the football season. With the new music facilities, there is something for everyone. If you are more inclined to perform on the stage in a different capacity, then theatre may be the route you'd like to take. Mr. Schneider offers drama 1, 2, and 3 as well as stagecraft, and IB Theater. He also chooses a musical and a play to be performed throughout the year. He always has room for students to be involved with theater and to enrich their lives with the theatrical experience. |
Dennis Howell - Sculpture Caitlyn Urhammer - Drawing/Paint Nathan Abel - Drawing/Commercial Art Christy Johnston - Photo For thirty years, Natrona County High School art students have chronicled local, national, and international events on the walls of the school. This project, conceived by longtime principal Byron Moore (principal from 1982-2007), has engaged students and staff in annual reflection of ideas, issues, and people that impact their lives and their community. Visitors to the school enjoy this timeline both for the cultural history and the creative artistry presented. The earliest mural was painted in 1983 and continued through 2012, skipping only the years of 1995 and 1996. Each year's mural is broken into approximately 12 to 20 paintings rendered by individual students. There is no one inspiration for a year - each mural is a collection of individually significant events. With the 2014-2018 renovation of Natrona County High School, the walls that provided the canvas for the Timeline Murals were removed, however the paintings remain part of the school's archives. Each year's paintings have been carefully photographed and catalogued in a book to preserve this important piece of the school's history. The book depicts the annual assembly of paintings and represents a small portion of the photographic documentation. The digital photographs are available for reference, research, class reunions, and community use. In the renovated school building, the mural project will evolve into a fresh interpretation of art and current events. The Timeline Mural Books are available in the NCHS main office - free of charge and first come, first served. The pictures will also be available on flickr - under nchsmustangs - for anyone who would like an electronic copy. We hope all these murals - both past and future - inspire you to reflect on the important moments in your life. |
BUSINESS, FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCE, INDUSTRIAL Emily Balfour - Woodworking / Welding Kristy Williams- Business/Marketing Tori Berdan - Clothing/Home Design Jonie Gosnell - Child Dev./Life Management Timi Reynolds - Agriculture/ FFA Kyle Dye - Eng. Graphics/Manufacturing Zach Schneider - Film/TV Jim Watson - Automotive, Welding Heather Beebout - Financial Literacy Brian Costello - Computer Science Kayla Kennedy - Financial Literacy Chase Anfinson - Financial Literacy Ali Kopp- Culinary Kurt Patik - Woodworking Career Technical Education provides students with hands on activities to enhance their knowledge in career fields. |
Scott Underbrink - Russian, French - Dept. Chair Guillermina Monzon Paz - Spanish Julie Erickson - ASL (Not Pictured) Bridgett Gwilliam - Spanish NCHS foreign language instructors offer Spanish, French, German and Russian. Students encounter the world in their Foreign Language classes. |
Joseph Scherden - English 10 Carl Myers - 12, Journalism, Publication Greg Aitkenhead - English 9 Shana Kemsley - Strategic Reading Kayla McGurrin - English 11 Tammy Olson - English 11 Becky Sondag - 10H,12H, TOK - Dept. Chair Ellie Bolender - 10, 1010 Jackie O'Briant- English 9, 11 H Jessica Scherden - English 9, 10 Brianna Young - English 9 Megan Amerson - English 9 Josie Duerre - English 9 , 10 With guidance and support, students will develop foundational reading, writing, and oral language skills and actively engage in reading, writing, and language-rich activities. English classes aren't just about grammar! Students receive the opportunity to read classic literature as well as contemporary literature. Teachers assist students in refining their writing skills and preparing them for their future. Students build resumes, write letters of interest and understand the importance of communication through writing, speaking and reading. Where else can you let your imagination run wild than in an English class prompting you to be an original? |
Mike Sauers - 9th Algebra/Geometry H Joel Strube - 9th Algebra / Geometry H Tim Fauss - Algebra II/Geometry Ashlie Howell - Algebra II, Algebra IIH, IB Math Studies and Foundations, Dept. Chair Roger Switzer - Algebra/Geometry Debra White -Algebra 2, Pre-Calc, Dept. Chair Brian Costello - Computer Science, Alg III Darin Myers - Geometry Aubrey Corbett - Algebra/Trig/Geom, Geometry Zach Vaporis - Algebra, Geometry Robert Cogdill - Geometry Andrew Nirider- Geometry/ Principles of Geometry Danna Parker- Algebra/Geometry David Wright - Algebra/Computer Science Multiple Math Opportunities Offered At NCHS! The Natrona County High School Math Department offers a variety of courses. Given the need for a comprehensive as well as applicable foundation of mathematics skills for students in order to prepare them for any of the many different post-secondary directions they may choose, NCHS provides regular, advanced, and honors courses as well as International Baccalaureate (IB) courses. The curriculum affords students multiple opportunities to graduate, to earn any level of the Hathaway scholarship, and/or to earn college credit for Calculus. Please see the online enrollment guide for course offerings and descriptions. |
Available to all NCHS students, the IB program is a rigorous curriculum designed to prepare students to become cultural, diverse citizens of the world. Brandi Ramage - IB Coordinator Natrona County High School IB Diploma Programme Admissions Policy The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program is a demanding, pre-university course of studies for highly motivated students. The curriculum is based on standards set by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) in Switzerland and is in daily practice in more than 3,000 schools around the world. One of the overarching goals of IB is to help students become adept at how to learn, analyze, and reach considered conclusions about society and the world in which we live. The IB Diploma Program (DP) at NCHS is an open-enrollment program. Students may enroll in the full IB DP, or they may take individual IB courses in areas of interest and ability. The IB DP is not a competitive placement program. There is no set limit to the number of students who may participate in IB courses or the Diploma Program. Students who are successful in the IB Diploma Program or in individual IB courses usually exhibit the following: · Intellectual curiosity and a strong aptitude for learning · A record of academic success in advanced and honors classes · A willingness to take academic risks and to reflect on the nature of knowledge · An ability and willingness to undertake independent research · An ability and willingness to undertake projects and activities that may involve community service · Academic and personal integrity |
Carl Myers - Journalism Sponsor/Teacher The GUSHER "The Gusher" is the official newspaper of Natrona County High School. The newspaper has been in existence since 1923 and is archived within the journalism classroom. Often used to search NCHS history, these papers have been invaluable. We continue to save them for future generations. Journalism students work diligently to preserve the history on campus while they bring interesting news stories, editorials, reviews and more to NC readers. We are funded by advertising from our local businesses and appreciate all the support given. This year, the newspaper will be online only and can be viewed at The MUSTANG "The Mustang" is the title of the yearbook produced by NCHS students. Students are active in attending all athletics, activities and special events to record for the school year. Every person has their own story but here at NCHS, we all share the same memories and seek our own futures. I“The Mustang” is dedicated to preserving the memories of the student body and to maintain an accurate record of the year’s events. Walsworth Publishing prints “The Mustang” on glossy paper and in color. There are 650 books printed and each are sold for $65 from August until May, when the price goes to $70. NCHS yearbook staff prides itself on the fact that this is a student publication where students can gain valuable skills in photography, layout and design, photo-editing, copy writing, and interviewing. Yearbooks can be ordered online at: SENIOR PARENT LETTER |
Christy Olsen - Conditioning Ed. Jarvis Bliss - Rec. Sports, Swimming, Dept. Chair Debbie Gibson - 9th PE, Ind/Dual Sports Kalen Hill - 9th PE Shaun Swiger - 9th PE Ryan Meyers - Weight Training Scott Russell - Weight Training Amber Thielbar - 9th PE Viola Davies - Athletic Trainer Kaden Hillibrush - Aquatics Participate in a quality, challenging physical education experience! Our goal is to provide every student in every Physical Education class an opportunity to participate in a quality, challenging physical education experience everyday! We have high expectations that support the overall mission of Natrona County High School and the education standards of Natrona County School District. Our Physical Education staff is committed to establish, maintain, and promote a safe, optimal learning environment for all students. NCHS has a wide variety of Physical Education Course offerings: Lifetime Fitness Ed 9th grade PE requirement Recreation Sports Outdoor Educational opportunities Physical Education 10th grade Foundations Individual/Dual Sports PE Activities Weight Training for Boys Conditioning Ed Fitness/Conditioning Activities for Girls Conditioning Ed Aqua Sports 1, 2, & 3 Swimming classes * Please see the enrollment guide for a complete description of each class offering. |
Jeff Piel - Math Michael Botkin - Math Carter Braxton - English Phil Choler- Math Amanda Christensen- Math/Science Terri Ann Coffey - English/Strategic Reading Julie Fleming- English April Orr- BASE Janelle Haworth - FLS Jerry Perry - FLS Katie Lynn - FLS Michele Robson - English Kayci Stripling - Science Lexi Black- Study Skills Margo Warren - English |
The Mustang Battalion - Army Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC)
Mark Johnson PhD - Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army (Retired) Mack Riggs - ROTC 1st Sergeant The Mustang Battalion serves as a citizenship training program for NCHS. The Mustang Battalion began at NC in 1913-1914 and has been here since. Our vision is to “MOTIVATE YOUNG PEOPLE TO BE BETTER CITIZENS!” This accomplished through a curriculum of leadership, citizenship, goal setting, fitness and health, and government. The vehicle used is the U. S. Army our values, structure and organization, and discipline. The curriculum is a hands-on, participatory learning environment. Cadets accomplish individual and group presentations, writing assignments, and group activities. The cadets participate in activities supporting NCHS, Casper, and the state. The Mustang Battalion is cadet lead. The cadets plan and execute the training and activities of the Mustang Battalion. Mustang Battalion Rifle Team is a varsity sport. The Mustangs are the reigning state champions for the last five consecutive years. The team has participated in the National Junior Olympics National Air Rifle Matches for the last five year. We are a nationally ranked team. Several cadets are ranked in the top twenty-five shooters in the nation. The Mustang Drill Team competes in drill competitions around the regions. The drill team is recognized as a varsity sport. The team participates in five to six drill meets in Colorado and South Dakota. The team hosts a drill meet at NCHS annually. Cadets compete in armed, unarmed, color guard and exhibition categories. The teams place in these events. The Mustang Raider Team is the battalion’s competitive team. It participates in three to five competitions in our region annually. These competitions involve shooting, running, orienteering, and military related contests. The cadets participate biannually in the state wide Raider Challenge hosted by the University of Wyoming Cowboy Battalion. The Living History Team is a team that brings the Civil War and Western History to NCHS. The team crews a replica 1841 Mountain Howitzer. The cadets portray the actual crew on the cannon when it was at Fort Casper. The team supports the annual Gillette History Days with its presentation. The team supports the 3 Trails Center at events. The team man’s the cannon for all home football games. |
Christina Baker - Biology, Health Occ, Anatomy & Physiology Karen Colling - Conceptual Physics/Biology Jenny Edwards - Env. Science, Biology Jeneen Hill - Scientific Design Stephanie Jensen - IB Bio./Anat./Phys. Dustin Arellano - Chemistry/Physics Sarah Ramsey - Biology Christine Maggi - Biology Adrian McNamee - Physical Science Mckell Jones - Physical Science Michaela Sanders - Physical Science Studies in science open the world for students and the science teachers broaden the spectrum; from environmental science and biology to chemistry and anatomy, students leave NC with a wide scientific experience. Mrs. Edwards Teton Science School Opportunity information listed below.
Deanna Barnes - Modern US, US/WY Gov. Jeff Crouse - World History, IB History Kayla Kennedy - Fin. Lit, Modern US History Scott Marietta - World History Ryan Shaeffer - Modern US History Jared Swenson - IB Psychology, TOK Josh Anderson - 9th US History Tom Grogan - 9th US History Chase Anfinson - Mod. US History, Fin. Lit Jack Daniels - US History Abbey Krusen - Modern US History Anna McCormick - US History NC history teachers bring the world to their students. |
TRAFFIC SAFETY Josh Propp - Traffic Safety Drivers Ed is currently offered at Pathways only. Students learn the hazards of driving in order to keep them safe. |
Zach Schneider - Film & Television YOUTUBE for NCTV Here is our youtube address! This is where we will be streaming live every Friday. |
Karen Adams - Resource Jeff Anderson - SPED Tyanna Blase - Resource/BASE Ti Brooks - Perkins Secretary Kelly Brush - Resource Megan Adams - Activities Secretary Candita Daniels - Attendance Tracy Hall - Counseling Secretary Polly Hallcroft - Office Assistant Brenna Noble - Copy Center Bruce Hirst - Resource Cori Jackson - FLS Leah Jensen - Resource/BASE Riki Jude - Resource Karen Kennedy - Activities Assistant Bryce Ledbetter - Auditorium Tech Dixie McMechan - General ESP Amanda Mundell - Resource Kathryn Paddison - FLS Tracy Pater - OT/IT Para Amanda Peak - Secretary Carina Ready - Adaptive PE Sarah Rewinkel - Resource Christy Smith - General ESP Paralee Stewart - Counseling Secretary Kendyl Terry - Career Center Katie Tewes - Accounting Specialist Andrew Tkach - Resource Arlene Wayte - Resource |
Roger Switzer - Credit Recovery Brandie Maddox- Credit Recovery Paul Jiminez- ESL Tyrone Fittje - Credit Recovery Heather Wetzel - Graduation Prep Caroline Mooren- Graduation Prep Support staff is here to help students with a variety of needs. Our tutoring department assists students with all types of homework while the Learning Center allows students to catch up on missing credits. |